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Child Custody

Child Custody

Find Support With Our Family Law Team

When going through a divorce, one of the most difficult details to resolve is the child custody arrangement and visitation schedule. We want to shield our children from the damaging effects of divorce or parental separation. Co-parenting may be ideal, but it’s not always possible, especially when one parent is a narcissist or alienating. Parents who can come to mutual agreements on everything else during a divorce may often fight bitterly about visitation and custody. The Alexandra Geczi, PLLC team is here to help you navigate these turbulent times to find the best solution for your family.

Turn to Alexandra Geczi PLLC For:

  • Our family law firm was founded by a woman for women.
  • We believe in empowering women through education and guided partnership.
  • Our team of experienced family law professionals will take you through the divorce process step by step.

Things to Know Regarding Texas Child Custody

In Texas, what most people refer to as custody is called conservatorship. There are two types of conservators: the managing conservator and the possessory conservator.
Under the Texas Family Code, it is presumed that parents will be named joint managing conservators,
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which means each parent is given a list of rights and duties that they share, in regards to the child, jointly, exclusively, or independently. For example, if the court finds that one parent is more attuned to the child’s education needs, they may grant the parent the exclusive right to educational decision-making.

In some cases, one parent is named the sole managing conservator, which means that person is granted exclusive rights to make decisions for that child. When one parent is named the sole managing conservator, the other parent is designated as the possessory conservator, which means they have the right to “possess” their child through an ordered visitation schedule.

Determining Child Custody

There are many factors that may be considered when determining child custody. In an ideal situation, both parents will be able to work out an arrangement that is acceptable for everyone. This helps to keep stress and fighting to a minimum, which is important for the children. When this is not possible, however, the following factors may be taken into account by mediators or judges:

  • Work schedules
  • Location of each parent
  • Location of school(s)
  • Age of children
  • Abuse or neglect
  • Desires of children
  • And more
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While the courts will listen to arguments, often the end result is an attempt to ensure that the child can have meaningful time with both parents, unless there is some type of abuse or extreme behavior involved. Encouraging strong bonds with both parents is very important, and that will typically be the goal of the courts.

Collateral Witnesses

Collateral witnesses are people apart from parents, or the conservators, who can offer insight on the well-being of a child, when the child is not with either parent. They can also offer their perspective and opinions on the child’s parent.

Some examples of collateral witnesses include teachers, family friends, coaches, or therapists. Although their testimonies may help you in court, complications still exist when it comes to your collateral witness, especially if they are not a mental health professional. Do not follow through on using a collateral witness in a custody dispute without the counsel of an experienced custody dispute attorney.

Contact Us

Whether you need to have an existing child custody situation modified or enforced, or you need to develop an initial custodial arrangement or parenting plan, Alexandra Geczi PLLC can help. We have years of experience handling complex child custody cases and we will fight for you and your family in court. Begin the process today and contact us to discuss your options!

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