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Covid Assistance

Your Lifeline To Thriving Through Crisis


You do not have to fall victim to the virus. Take control and thrive.

A Special Message From Attorney & Founder, Alexandra Geczi:

“The COVID-19 crisis became real for me on March 16th, when one of our team members informed us that he may have been exposed to coronavirus. Up until that point, we had been going to the office and operating business as usual. But in that moment, I realized that things would never be the same again.”

This Page is Our Way of Giving Back to the Community and Help Others Navigate the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our Helpdesk is the 911 rescue you can turn to for any question you have about your family law crisis.Wondering if you should file for divorce right now? Not sure where you are going to live? Have you been served with divorce papers? Coping with a narcissistic parent?
Call the helpdesk hotline Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. CST – 5:00 p.m. CST.
On the other end of the line will be one of our crisis advisors. Our crisis advisors are women who understand what you are going through and have helped many of our clients find calm in the chaos. Our crisis advisors have access to resources and referrals and can guide you in the right direction for help

Resource Library

Our Resource Library is a carefully curated compilation of resources from our divorce law firm and other trusted partners we work with. You will find videos, e-guides, checklists, and more to help you pivot, grow, and thrive through the pandemic and beyond

Mindset for success
Upgrade Your Career
Parenting & C0-Parinting
Tackle Debt


Currently, We Offer A Divorce 101 Style Workshop For Divorce Planning Called, “get Your Ducks In A Row”. It A Monthly Workshop We Host On The Second Tuesday Of Each Month During Here To Register For Our Next Divorce Planning Workshop

We are working on other workshops. If you have suggestions, please contact us and let us know what you’d like to hear!

Social Media

We know things can get overwhelming sometimes. Learning to filter out the noise can be difficult. To help, we regularly post inspiration, tips, and updates on our Facebook page. Connection with others is scientifically proven to help ease anxiety and depression, and it can strengthen you to get through crisis situations. We invite you to connect and follow us on Facebook @famliylawdfw

Covid-19 Resources

You Do Not Have To Fall Victim To The Virus. Take Control And Thrive.

Alexandra’s Message

It’s natural for a person to fear the unknown. The unknown is uncomfortable, and it may require you to change. It’s a subconscious response intended to keep us safe. But that fear response can actually harm us and keep us from taking the action we need to take to help us grow and thrive. It is critical that you address your fear and shift your mindset quickly so that you can be decisive and move forward safely.

If you want to survive, you react. If you want to thrive, you plan and prepare.

Fortunately, I didn’t stay in that anxious emotional state for long. Don’t get me wrong – I still have my moments – but because one of my core values is to plan and prepare, the firm was ready to pivot. We had systems in place already that allowed us to work remotely, and we’ve been doing that since then. And because we were prepared, we were able to adapt to the crisis and transition into a new norm relatively quickly. When a person plans and prepares for a brighter future, she is more able to adapt when crisis and transition happens. That is why we are so focused on helping women plan and prepare for divorce.

Planning your divorce will help the recovery and transition go more smoothly.

Part of having a growth mindset is understanding that service to others is the key to thriving. Humans are social creatures and connecting with others is vital to our survival as individuals as well as a species. So, when I sat down to think about what services we could be offering right now to help others, it required a shift in my thinking. It was challenging to not think of myself and to resist tapping into my more negative feelings.

But like a mother whose instincts kick in to protect her children, I began to think about how I can protect our team and our clients. The team and I began brainstorming services we could offer – mediation, parenting facilitation and coordination, flat fee uncontested divorces – but something still didn’t feel “right”. While we certainly offer those services, that’s not where our strength lies. Our strength, our value, lies in helping women plan and prepare for divorce so that they can create brighter futures for themselves and their families.

COVID-19 is offering an unprecedented opportunity for you to

plan and prepare for a brighter future.

That statement may seem controversial to some, but for those who hunger for change, for those who are trapped in a cage, looking for a way out, thinking about coronavirus in a way that focuses on the opportunities and silver linings is exactly what they need right now. For me, this is an opportunity for us to share our message with the world on an unprecedented scale. If more women discover what we offer – a path through the darkness – then more women will be free to live their best lives, and the world will be a better place.

Because of the financial assistance that the government is offering, I don’t have to focus on making a profit right now. If I accept that we are all struggling, then I can share not only my struggle but also my gifts, without wondering how I’ll pay for things. It’s a shift in mindset. But it’s a shift that feels like freedom.

Having said all that, we’ve set up this page for everyone looking to plan and prepare for the next chapter in their lives. We will start with offering a 5 part webinar series called, “Thriving Through Crisis”. Topics covered will involve the things that we all experience in light of crisis, and it’s completely relatable to women going through divorce – Mindset, Debt, Career, Wellness, and Parenting. We will kick off this webinar series in our April 2020 online workshop, “Get Your Ducks in a Row: Planning and Preparing for Divorce”.

  • Mindset for Success: How to thrive when you just want to hide.
  • Upgrade Your Career: How to find the golden opportunities in crisis.
  • Parenting & Co-parenting: How to get on the same page and raise happy, healthy children.
  • Tackling Debt: How Coronavirus is presenting novel ways to eliminate debt.
  • Personal Wellness: How Covid-19’s gift of time helps us refocus and improve our health.

The webinar series will be FREE but don’t for a minute think there won’t be value. I will start each webinar with a big picture overview and then dive into exercises we’ll do together and conclude with actionable steps you can take right now to improve your life. This is EXACTLY what we do with our clients and charge for.

Moreover, this series is NOT limited to women thinking about divorce. Any woman who is looking for a better life should attend. I’ll be presenting these topics in a broader way that is NOT limited to divorce situations. Anyone looking to be more successful, debt-free, healthier, and a better parent should attend. And since most of us are looking for ways to improve our lives in at least one of those categories, you should share this with all the women in your life.

Why not invite men? It’s nothing personal, but we want to create a safe place to do this. Supporting women is not anti-man. I love the men in my life (I’m happily married and have a beautiful son, after all) but I want a place for women to go and talk and be vulnerable and support each other. Our firm’s mission is to provide opportunities for women to have a better life, free from conflict and pain. We just happen to be a family law firm, but as we grow, so will the resources we can provide to women beyond family law matters. I firmly believe this is the start of that vision. Through crisis, we will create something beautiful. Together.

I hope you will join us for our webinar series. From there, we will continue to look for opportunities to improve women’s lives, and we will be adding them to this page. I look forward to “seeing” you soon!

Very truly yours,


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