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Divorce For Women BreadWinners

Divorce For Women Breadwinners

Forge A New Future

Professional women like lawyers, doctors, company executives, psychologists, business owners, and financial advisors sometimes achieve career success at a cost. They often earn more than their husbands, manage the family’s finances, and juggle many other aspects of life. They value efficiency and responsiveness. When it comes to divorce, they usually prefer an approach that is quick and discreet — after all, “time is money.” Here at Alexandra Geczi, PLLC, we’re here to offer the exact divorce services you want and need.

Why Choose our Team

  • We were founded by a woman for women.
  • We empower you throughout the divorce process.
  • We believe divorce can lead to a better life for our clients.
  • We prioritize our clients over the bottom line.

Your Questions About Divorce

When you have more questions than answers, Divorce Planning may be exactly what you need. At Alexandra Geczi PLLC, we offer Divorce Planning and strategy sessions prior to filing for divorce. We help you explore your best options, brainstorm time-saving strategies, and build a roadmap for the process before it even begins. Learn more about our Divorce Planning process here.The divorce process is almost never simple, and being a professional woman and the breadwinner of the household can come with added complications. Many questions we hear from women in these situations include:

Will I lose time with my children?

Will I lose custody of my children because I work?

Am I going to pay alimony?

Do I have to give up anything? I earned every penny!

Can I present my husband with a packaged up settlement offer and get this done quickly?

How to Get Started

Your first step in the divorce process should be to find a divorce support team you trust. You will be sharing a lot of personal information with your divorce lawyer and your divorce support, so make sure you find an advocate who makes you feel comfortable and comes with enough experience to give you confidence. Download our checklist Nine Things to Ask a Lawyer to guide you when speaking with divorce attorneys about your situation.

Start With A Case Evaluation

At Alexandra Geczi PLLC, we start every new relationship with a complimentary case evaluation. You can skip right to strategic planning if you so choose, but we want to make sure that we’re the right fit for your needs. When you contact your team, we’ll ask you for some basic information to determine how we may be able to help you. If we think we’re the right team for you, we’ll schedule a consultation.

Invest In An Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is your opportunity to learn more about the firm and explore why we’ve been ranked a top divorce law firm in Dallas by our clients and our peers.

Schedule A Strategy Session

Once you have decided that you want to work with us, we’ll move on to a strategy session. You will have the opportunity to meet with an attorney or paralegal to create a plan and roadmap for your divorce. This is a much deeper dive into the details of your case and the possible strategies your team may use to ensure you achieve the results you want.

Take The First Step Today

Are you ready to get started? Contact Alexandra Geczi PLLC today. You can expect us to respond promptly. Even if you call after hours, we will get in touch with you the next day as quickly as we can. We are here to guide you through the divorce process and empower you to forge a happier, more fulfilling future.

What Makes our Team Diffrent

Alexandra Geczi PLLC is a law firm founded by a woman for women. Alexandra Geczi, a family law attorney and mother, saw a distinct imbalance in the relationships and divorces she handled.

“Women are often undervalued and underappreciated for their contributions to a marriage. What is worse is that they accept this as normal! My mission is to educate and empower women about their personal worth and legal rights in the divorce process.” – Alexandra Geczi

She founded Alexandra Geczi PLLC to tip the scales and give women the support, guidance, and power they deserve in the divorce process.

Why Chose US

Empowering Stories

We have helped countless women through divorce and beyond, staying in touch with them for years to ensure that their transition into a new life has gone as smoothly as possible. Some of those women have chosen to share their success stories to help others pursue the life they deserve. Laura* is one of them. Laura is a business owner and mother of two. She referred cases to us for years, but then one day she needed to make a tough decision about her own marriage. As a professional, it was important to her that we remain discreet and strategic throughout the process. And, as the household breadwinner, she wanted to get the divorce done quickly, preserve her hard-earned assets, and move on with her life. Today, with the divorce behind her, Laura and her business are thriving. She’s living up to more of her potential, helping other businesses thrive, and we’re excited about her future. And although single motherhood is tough, Laura is tougher. She meets each challenge with optimism and gratitude. We love that we got to help Laura through a difficult time in her life.

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Here’s what Laura had to say about working with us:

“For many years, I’ve referred friends and potential clients to Alex. Then, a few years ago, I needed help with my own divorce.

Alex was professional, smart, practical, responsive, and incredibly supportive without being even a little bit patronizing. That’s exactly what I needed as a client.

I know nothing about the family courts or divorce proceedings. Alex patiently responded to my questions and explained the process, providing the clear advice I needed to ensure that things worked smoothly — without making me feel “handled.” She even had practical tips for getting me through the hearing, which was – without question – one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Finally, she managed the cost efficiently.”

If you have concerns about your own divorce, know that you are not alone. The team at Alexandra Geczi PPLC has helped many women like you find freedom and courage, and you can find more inspirational stories on our client journeys page.

*The name of the client and certain details of her case were changed to protect confidentiality.

A Sterling Reputation

Alexandra Geczi PLLC has worked hard to create and uphold a reputation of strength, trust, and integrity. An important factor in our success is the referrals we receive from other professionals. From CPAs and financial planners to therapists and even other family law attorneys, these professionals have trusted us with the future of their family and friends and even their own divorces and family law disputes. Read on to learn why they recommend us again and again.


“I have found Alexandra to be not just an extremely sharp and knowledgeable attorney, but realized underneath the soft exterior lurked a tough-as-nails advocate who could play hardball with the best, if the situation so demanded.”


“I have known Ms. Geczi for years and consider her not only a colleague, but a friend. Her attention to detail, research and resources, and sincerity in her work are unparalleled. She focuses on a very contentious area of the law and approaches it with compassion and candor. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking for an excellent family attorney.”

Criminal Defense Attorney

Advice For the Divorce Process

Working with a legal team you trust will make your divorce easier, but it can still be a difficult process. To help you stay sane and get the most you can out of the process, we’ve collected some of our best tips for navigating your divorce.


As a successful professional and the breadwinner of your family, you are likely used to being in control. When it comes to divorce, it’s better to let your legal team take the reins. You should stay informed and involved through your case, but listen for the instructions and guidance offered to you by your attorney. Open communication and flexibility are essential to a smooth transition.


Another thing many women struggle with? Accepting help. Your divorce lawyer will handle the legal proceedings, and if you chose well, they will also offer to connect you with other resources to help you through the process. A divorce can be difficult in many ways, and learning to lean on counselors, coaches, real estate agents, and others when you need it will help you achieve a better outcome.


You can leave the details of divorce to the experts, but you should empower yourself with a basic understanding of the overall Texas divorce process. Alexandra Geczi PLLC is here to help with our complimentary guide, “Divorce Explained: An Overview of the Texas Divorce Process.” Learn about the first steps to take, what issues you can expect, ways to reach agreements, what to do when you can’t agree, and how a case is finalized. You can also explore our blog to find even more resources and updates about going through a divorce.


If you ever have questions or concerns about your divorce, you should always be able to get in touch with a member of your team. Here at Alexandra Geczi PLLC, you are always our first priority. We encourage you to take advantage of all the resources and services we offer, from our guide to divorce for women professionals to divorce planning and mediation. To learn more, or to schedule your initial consultation, contact our office today!

Our Other Family Law Servies


In addition to our traditional divorce legal representation, the divorce planning services offered by Alexandra Geczi, PLLC are a great fit for career women. C-level executives regularly negotiate exit strategies from their employment relationships,

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and divorce is no different. A marriage relationship can be just as complex and nuanced as a C-level business relationship, with both parties often investing years of time and effort into it. Divorce planning provides clients with a certain amount of control and certainty before they file for divorce.


Many breadwinner moms worry about custody and visitation. They worry that choosing a career and/or having longer work hours will negatively impact their chances at having primary custody of any children involved in the divorce. Standard visitation schedules 

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may also not be a good fit.  The experienced family law team at Alexandra Geczi, PLLC will explore creative child custody and visitation arrangements with you, and we dive deeper into the options that are available for co-parenting.


Lastly, many women professionals have concerns about paying alimony to their husbands. Although you might have to pay alimony or spousal maintenance to your husband, he must meet certain criteria first. Our team of experienced divorce lawyers can work with you to minimize the exposure

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of paying alimony or spousal maintenance.

The team at Alexandra Geczi, PLLC can guide you in the business of divorce so that you can get back to business. Want to learn more? Contact our Dallas office today.

What Should I Bring?

For a case evaluation or initial consultation, you don’t need to bring anything with you. However, you may do so if you like. If you have been served with papers, or there are prior orders in your case, bring those.

For a strategy session, we will provide you with a list of documents we hope to see, which you may or may not have access to. It may be helpful to bring recent tax returns, bank statements, and pay stubs. If you feel that there are other documents we should look at, bring those as well. Once we’ve had a chance to review the important documents in your case, we can formulate an action plan for you.

Already Have An Appointment?

Once you’ve scheduled an appointment, be sure to complete our initial intake form prior to your first meeting with our team and make payment as needed.
We look forward to meeting you!

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