Divorce Planning

Find Your Way Forward with Compassionate Divorce Preparation

Most marriages don’t fall apart overnight, and you don’t have to file for a divorce as soon as you decide to separate. An experienced divorce lawyer and women’s advocate like Alexandra Geczi can help you explore your options through divorce planning, and help you take steps to protect yourself before filing any paperwork.

Why Divorce Planning?

  • Many of our clients are interested in divorce planning but do not have clarity as to what it entails.

  • Divorce can be an emotionally and financially challenging journey, and the process can often feel overwhelming. However, with careful divorce planning, you can take control of your future, protect your interests, and ensure a smoother transition to life post-divorce.

  • As a female attorney who has helped hundreds of women through the divorce process, I understand the unique concerns and uncertainties that women face during this difficult time.

  • Divorce planning provides essential guidance to help women navigate this complex process with confidence and clarity.

woman divorce lawyer
Why is divorce planning important for women?
  • Protecting your financial future: Divorce planning empowers women to secure their financial independence by carefully evaluating their assets, debts, and financial needs.
  • Empowering decision-making: With a well-thought-out plan, women can make informed decisions about property division, child custody, and support.
  • Reducing stress and conflict: Divorce planning can minimize conflict by providing a clear roadmap for the divorce process, reducing uncertainty and misunderstandings.
What are the signs your spouse is planning a divorce?

1.   Changing passwords

2.   Diverting mail

3.   Secretive about financials

4.   Threats and intimidation about divorce

What is Divorce Planning?

Plan and Prepare for a Brighter Future

Divorce planning is the strategic process of preparing for divorce before initiating the legal proceedings. It involves organizing your financial, legal, and emotional aspects to ensure a smoother transition through the divorce process.

What do you hope to achieve through the divorce process? What are the results you’re looking for? At Alexandra Geczi, PLLC, we begin divorce planning by clarifying your needs and your goals, and then we build a strategy around your priorities. We will make sure to explain every step of the process to you, and you will be included in all decisions to ensure that we pursue the best possible divorce options for you. Divorce planning is your opportunity to take control of a stressful situation and plan ahead for peace of mind.

Here’s a breakdown of key elements in divorce planning:

 1.   Financial Assessment:

   – Gather documents: Collect and organize all financial records, including bank statements, tax returns, investment portfolios, and property documents.

   – Assess your financial situation: Evaluate your income, assets, debts, and expenses to understand your financial standing.

   – Establish a budget: Create a post-divorce budget to ensure financial stability and plan for future expenses.

   – Tackle debt: Assess the types of debt you have and your options for paying off debt now versus later.  

  – Set aside money: Analyze how much you will need to set aside before you file to ensure that you are not in a financial position that forces you to settle for less than you deserve.

  – Career assessment: Consider whether starting or changing employment or careers will need to wait or be accelerated. 

  1.  Legal Consultation:

   – Consult with an experienced divorce attorney: Seek legal advice to understand your rights, responsibilities, and potential outcomes in divorce proceedings.

   – Explore dispute resolution options: Discuss mediation, collaborative divorce, amicable divorce, uncontested divorce, or traditional litigation with your attorney to choose the best approach for your situation.

   – Understand the basics: Research basic divorce laws and how they may impact your situation.

  1. Child Custody and Support:

   – Prioritize children’s well-being: If you have children, explore custody and visitation plans that consider their best interests.

   – Determine child support: Work with your attorney to calculate appropriate child support and how child expenses will be split. 

  1. Asset Division:

   – Identify marital property: Make a list of assets acquired during the marriage that may be subject to division, including real estate, retirement accounts, and personal property.

   – Understand equitable distribution: Learn about your state’s laws regarding property division and strive for a fair settlement.

   – Determine if alimony is appropriate: Understand your options for alimony and spousal maintenance.

   – Consider working with outside professionals: Consider using outside professionals to advise regarding real estate, mortgage lending, debt and credit repair, tax issues, and retirement planning.

  – Protect your business interests: Speak with an attorney about how to protect your business or partnership interests in the event of divorce.

  1. Emotional Support:

   – Seek emotional support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist to help you cope with the emotional challenges of divorce.

   – Prioritize self-care: Maintain a healthy lifestyle, engage in activities you enjoy, and focus on your well-being.

   – Work with a therapist or coach about how to break the news: Seek guidance about how to break the news to friends and family and what is appropriate to discuss with your spouse.

  – Domestic violence: Understand how domestic violence, child abuse, stalking, and family violence may impact your case and legal rights. 

  1. Separation Planning:

  – Decide living arrangements: Explore housing options to figure out whether one of you will need to move out while the divorce is pending.

  – Budgeting for two homes: Learn how maintaining two households during divorce may impact you financially.

  – Revise estate plans: Consider whether you need to update wills, account beneficiaries, powers of attorney, and insurance plans before you file.

  – Separating accounts: Set up separate accounts for finances, emails, social media, and cell phones, and be sure to change passwords, too.

  – Social media detox: Review social media accounts and consider hiding posts that may negatively impact your case but seek guidance from an attorney to be sure you don’t violate any laws by doing so.


Divorce Planning is Crucial for Success

Divorce planning is a critical step for women embarking on the challenging journey of divorce. By taking proactive steps to assess your financial situation, seek legal advice, and prioritize the well-being of yourself and your children, you can navigate the process with confidence and clarity. Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out to trusted professionals, friends, and support networks to help you on your path to a brighter future after divorce. With the right divorce planning, you can regain control of your life and emerge from this difficult chapter stronger and more resilient than ever.

At Alexandra Geczi PLLC, we offer divorce for women by women. We have a team of female attorneys, including one of the best divorce attorneys in Dallas, as rated by D Magazine, and a top divorce lawyer in Texas, as rated by Texas Super Lawyers. We understand divorce and the steps needed to plan for divorce. Contact us today to get started with your divorce planning.


What About My Situation?

Just as one size Louboutin does not fit all, not all legal advice is the same for every woman.  Alexandra Geczi, PLLC works with many different women and families to help them get the best possible results. No matter who you are or how you hope this process will end, your first step is divorce planning with our Dallas law firm.

If You’re The Breadwinner….

Your career matters to you, and you may worry that the professional success you’ve found will make it difficult to achieve the divorce results you want. You have questions, and the Alexandra Geczi, PLLC team has answers! We can address the concerns you have about child custody, alimony, and more, and we will leverage our expertise and sterling reputation to help you navigate your divorce with success. You’ll never be shut out of the process, and we’ll work to be your partner from the first moment of our initial case evaluation.

If You’re A Stay-at-Home Mom…

You’ve put your family first and counted on the partnership of your spouse. Now what? Alexandra Geczi and her team of dedicated divorce lawyers are here to help you every step of the way. We know there are a lot of questions running through your mind — Will I be financially devastated? Will I have to go back to work? Will I lose time with my children? We’ll work through your concerns, and our mission from start to end will be to find the best possible solution for you.

If You’re Facing A Complex, High-Net-Worth Divorce…

Marriage, at its heart, is a contract, and that means divorce can involve incredibly complicated renegotiations. What property do you currently hold and what is its value? What do you have a right to in a divorce? If you want to learn the answers and achieve the results you want, then you need an experienced family law firm.

Alexandra Geczi, PLLC has negotiated many asset divisions involving high net-worth assets, and we’ll work hard to make sure you get your fair share. Start finding answers to your questions today with a case evaluation.

Divorce Planning Distinguishes Us

We don’t know of many family law firms in Dallas that offer pre-divorce planning. Our divorce planning practice is one of the things that distinguishes us from other divorce lawyers in Dallas. We will always offer divorce planning because we have found that it is invaluable to our clients. Some of the most common questions we are asked about divorce during our planning sessions are about the logistics of the Texas divorce process itself. Here are a few common questions that we can help you answer.

Plan Your Dream Divorce

Brides will spend months — even years — planning their “dream wedding,” yet a woman rarely gives much thought to planning her “dream divorce.” While a divorce is far from dreamy, divorce planning is smart. Planning can save you thousands of dollars, cut months off the divorce process, and create a brighter future for yourself and your family.


  • Where will I live during and after the divorce?
  • Where will my husband live during and after the divorce?
  • Who gets the kids?
  • Can I kick my husband out of the house?
  • Can we live together during the divorce?


  • Will I have to give up time with my kids?
  • What do we do if he’s never had the kids with him overnight on his own before?
  • What will custody and visitation look like during the divorce?
  • What do we do if my child is very young? They need me right now.
  • Can he take my children away from me because I don’t work?
  • Can he take my children away from me because I do work?


  • Who pays the bills during the divorce?
  • Will I have to go back to work?
  • Can I get alimony or child support?
  • Will I have to pay my husband alimony or child support?
  • What if we don’t have enough to pay for two households?

How Do I Get Started?

For those who are ready the begin the process, we encourage you to contact our Dallas law firm! We’ll start with a complimentary case evaluation and/or a paid initial consultation. Some people want to jump right into planning and skip the consultation altogether, so you also have the option to set up an initial strategy session.

Choose Your Start:

Case Evaluation

When you contact our office, our intake specialist will ask for some basic information to determine whether or not we’re a good fit. Schedule your case evaluation now.

Initial Consultation

An initial consultation takes the case evaluation a step further. If we think Alexandra Geczi, PLLC is a good match, then we will invite you to come in and meet our team.

Strategy Session

If you want to dive in deep right away, ask for a strategy session. In a strategy session, you will meet with an attorney or paralegal to discuss legal strategy and build out your divorce roadmap.

Take the First Step Today

Whether you’re looking for a case evaluation, an initial consultation, or a strategy session, contact Alexandra Geczi, PLLC to get started. We usually respond promptly during business hours, and if you contact our office after hours, we will do our best to reach you the next day. Our mission is to guide and empower you through your divorce so that you can live a happier, more fulfilling life. You are not alone in this journey — we’re ready when you are.