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Crisis Resources for Divorce and Family Law

Navigating Divorce and Family Law Crisis Situations

Your Lifeline for Thriving Through Crisis


You are not a victim. You’re a survivor. Take control and thrive.

A Special Message From Attorney & Founder Alexandra M. Geczi

Any family law matter can involve a mixture of emotions, from relief to joy to anger to frustration. Then, you must deal with the logistical and financial challenges as well. Our goal at Alexandra Geczi PLLC is to empower you on your journey — whateverr your unique situation looks like.


Our Helpdesk is the 911 rescue you can turn to for any question you have about your family law crisis. Wondering if you should file for divorce right now? Not sure where you are going to live? Have you been served with divorce papers? Coping with a narcissistic parent?

Call the helpdesk hotline Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. CST – 5:00 p.m. CST.

On the other end of the line will be one of our crisis advisors — women who understand what you are going through and have helped many of our clients find calm in the chaos. They have access to resources and referrals and can guide you in the right direction for help

Resource Library

Our Resource Library is a carefully curated compilation of resources from our divorce law firm and other trusted partners we work with. You will find videos, e-guides, checklists, and more to help you pivot, grow, and thrive through your divorce, custody challenge, and any family law situation you’re facing.

We’ve also compiled some free family law resources from around the web.

“Divorce Explained” E-Book
Divorce Prep Checklist Video
Subscribe to Our Newsletter
Upgrade Your Career
Parent and Co-Parent Confidently
Tackle Debt
Embrace Personal Wellness
Grow a Success Mindset


We offer a comprehensive workshop for divorce planning called “Get Your Ducks in a Row.” This monthly workshop happens on the second Tuesday of every month during lunchtime.

We are developing other workshops. If you have suggestions, please contact us and let us know what you’d like to hear!

Find the Silver Lining

It’s natural for a person to fear the unknown. The unknown is uncomfortable, and it may require you to change. It’s a subconscious response intended to keep us safe. But that fear response can actually harm us and keep us from taking the action we need to take to help us grow and thrive. It is critical to address your fear and shift your mindset quickly so that you can be decisive and move forward safely.

If you want to survive, you react. If you want to thrive, you plan and prepare.

When a person plans and prepares for a brighter future, she is more able to adapt when crisis and transition happens. That is why we are so focused on helping women plan and prepare for divorce.

Planning your divorce will help the recovery and transition go more smoothly.

Part of having a growth mindset is understanding that service to others is the key to thriving. Humans are social creatures and connecting with others is vital to our survival as individuals as well as a species. So, when I sat down to think about what services we could be offering to help others, it required a shift in my thinking. It was challenging to not think of myself and to resist tapping into my more negative feelings.

But like a mother whose instincts kick in to protect her children, I began to think about how I can protect our team and our clients. The team and I began brainstorming services we could offer (mediation, parenting facilitation and coordination, flat fee uncontested divorces) but something still didn’t feel “right.” While we certainly offer those services, that’s not where our strength lies. Our value lies in helping women plan and prepare for divorce so that they can create brighter futures for themselves and their families.

Divorce and custody changes are often construed negatively by society. However, they provide an unprecedented opportunity for you to plan and prepare for a brighter future.

That statement may seem controversial to some, but for those who hunger for change, for those who are trapped in a cage, looking for a way out, focusing on the silver lining is exactly what they need right now. If more women discover what we offer — a path through the darkness — then more women will be free to live their best lives, and the world will be a better place.

Very truly yours,


Get Social to Stay Strong

We know things can get overwhelming in a family law crisis situation. Learning to filter out the noise can be difficult. To help, we regularly post inspiration, tips, and updates on our Facebook page. Connecting with others is scientifically proven to help ease anxiety and depression, and it can strengthen you to get through crisis situations.

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