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Legal Service Options

Divorce & Family Law

What is Collaborative Law?

Divorce by collaborative law is decided outside of court. Each spouse is represented by an attorney and settlement discussions take place in an office setting, at times and places convenient to both parties. Spouses agree in writing not to go to court or threaten court during proceedings. Collaborative divorce is private and confidential, as well as usually more cost-effective.

Collaborative Divorce is:

Handled by trained Collaborative Divorce Lawyers

 More cost-effective than other forms of divorce

Private and confidential

Settled outside of court

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where parties utilize a third party (i.e., the mediator) to facilitate dialogue in the event of a dispute. Parties may choose mediation over traditional litigation if they feel they can resolve the dispute without a court order. In other cases, a court may order for both parties to go through a mediation process, such as in a child custody case. The mediation process can help parties save time, money, and stress. Alexandra Geczi, PLLC offers mediation services for various situations — contact us today to request a consultation.

Flexible, Private, Confidential

The Mediation Process


Why Choose Alexandra Geczi, PLLC For Mediation?

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