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About Us and Our Why – Texas Divorce Law Essentials

Part of our Texas Divorce Law Essentials Every Woman Needs to Know digital course.


I’m Alexandra Geczi, attorney and founder of Alexandra Geczi Family Law. This firm was created to balance some of the inequities against women in our justice system and to provide women with a safe place to grow and improve their lives. I believe that when women are set up for success, they contribute positively to our society and that benefits all of us.

Are we a good fit?

Our approach to practicing family law focuses on planning, preparation, and practical advice. We want our clients to understand the divorce process and feel confident about their choices. We value communication and only litigate if it’s the best course of action or after collaborative efforts have failed. We want our clients to have the best representation possible, so we set boundaries and nurture the mental health of our team. That means we are usually not available nights or weekends, and we are selective about the types of cases we take.

If you are the type of person who makes unreasonable demands, seeks a pound of flesh, or requires 24/7 access to your lawyer, then we may not be a good fit. However, if you are the type of person who wants to minimize conflict and appreciates planning and preparation, then we may be just what you’re looking for.

What can you expect from this course?

This course is designed as combination of a Divorce 101 introduction to divorce and frequently asked questions. We’ve broken it down into modules so that you can go directly to the topics and questions that are most important to you. In this course, we cover property and debts, issues involving the marital home, and issues relating to child custody, child support, and visitation. This course is not a tutorial on how to DIY your divorce, it does not cover the divorce process or divorce planning, it is not intended for modifications or enforcements, and it does not address questions that may be better suited for a mental health professional. We are working on separate courses for those topics. This course provides an overview of divorce law in Texas and frequently asked questions about divorce law.

Are you my attorney?

This course is designed for the public at large, as general information. We are not your attorneys, and none of this is confidential or privileged communication. Nothing in this course should be construed as legal advice, and you should always consult with an attorney regarding your particular situation. If you want to work with us, you are welcome to reach out to us for a complimentary case evaluation to see if we are a good fit. And if we aren’t, we’re happy to give you referrals and recommendations for resources that may work for you.

Can I share this information?

Absolutely! If you find any of this information helpful or shareable, please pass it along.

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