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Organizing your financial affairs? When going through divorce, it’s important to have an understanding of your financial picture. Here are some (online) tools that can help. – Free, for basic subscription. Mint automatically pulls all your financial information into one place, so you can finally get the entire picture. It can help with budgeting and paying bills, too. – Free, for basic subscription. Similar to Mint, FileThis fetches all your household bills, statements, and online documents whenever they’re ready. They give you the power to manage your online accounts through one interface with one password.

Neat Scanner – You can get an actual scanner or software. It helps you organize receipts, tax returns, bills, and other financial documents by putting everything into folders and gives each one a file name that makes sense – like “Bank of America Savings 5555 May 2015”.

Genius Scan (Phone App) – This is a “scanner in your pocket” because it’s an app that you put on your smartphone. It uses your camera to take pictures of documents and then turns them into PDF’s. Go paperless, share with your accountant or lawyer, etc.

These are just some of the tools out there that can help organize your finances. These tools are helpful for anybody, but, they’re especially helpful when you’re going through a divorce. At Alexandra Geczi PLLC | Family Law, financial planning is just one aspect of how we help our clients through divorce.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.

Note: this blog post is for informational and educational purposes only. Use your own judgment about whether or not these tools are right for you.

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