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Four Ways to Financially Prepare for Divorce

When faced with a divorce, one of the biggest concerns that many people have is how they will come out of the ordeal financially. Whether you are the person who is petitioning for the divorce or you are the respondent, it is important to take steps to protect your financial well-being as you prepare to endure the process of dissolving your marriage. Hiring an experienced divorce attorney can help, and there are a few other key steps that you should take to ensure your finances are in order during your divorce.

The DFW divorce attorneys at Alexandra Geczi PLLC Family Law are here to help you navigate your divorce by providing reliable legal representation and educating you about your legal rights. If you have questions about how you can best preserve your financial well-being during your divorce, we are here to help. Call our team at 214-269-4256 today or request your initial consultation online now.

Steps for Protecting Your Financial Well-Being

Gather Your Financial Records

As you prepare for your divorce, it is important to gather all of your important financial documents and find a safe place to keep them. This should be somewhere that is easy for you to access, but a place that is outside of your home. Financial records, such as bank statements, important loan documents, credit reports, wills, and trusts often contain very sensitive personal information on them, and there is no reason for your spouse to have access to them when your marriage is coming to an end. It is also wise to consider opening your own bank accounts.

Secure Money for Divorce-Related Expenses

Sadly, we often speak with clients who have stayed in a toxic marriage because they believe they cannot afford a divorce. While it is true that you cannot get divorced for free, this is no reason to stay in an unhappy marriage. If your spouse controls all financial aspects of your marriage and you do not work outside of the home, it might seem next to impossible to secure the money you need to hire an experienced divorce attorney. Our team can help you discover hidden assets that can help you pay for your divorce-related expenses.

Open a Post Office Box

If you have opened new bank accounts in your name and retained a divorce attorney, then you will begin receiving documents in the mail that are important to keep confidential. It is best to avoid having legal and financial correspondence sent to your home during a divorce, especially if you are no longer residing there, as these items could easily find their way into the wrong hands. Opening a post office box ensures that you have a secure, private mail receptacle that is accessible to no one but yourself.

Contact a Reputable Divorce Attorney

Finally, consulting with a reputable DFW divorce attorney as you prepare for divorce can be helpful for several reasons. By meeting with an attorney, you can get answers to some of your most pressing legal questions about your divorce. If you hire the attorney, they will be able to file important court documents on your behalf to ensure your rights are protected, and they can help you negotiate important matters, like child support, child custody, and spousal maintenance. Having a reliable legal team in your corner can give you the confidence you need to weather the uncertain times surrounding your divorce.

DFW Divorce Attorneys

When you are faced with the dissolution of your marriage, you don’t have to go through it alone. You deserve to work with one of the most reputable DFW divorce attorneys to help you feel empowered and confident throughout the process. When you choose to hire our firm for your legal needs, we will provide with you with the information and guidance you need to start a new life for yourself, including advice and information that will help you protect your financial health during and after your divorce. Contact us today to learn more about our legal services for women.

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