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How to Assemble the Best Divorce Team

Divorce affects multiple aspects of your life, so it makes sense that you should assemble a team to help you navigate the process and achieve the best results. Ideally, you want team members who can support every aspect of your experience, from the legal to financial elements to the emotional aspect. Each of these categories includes professionals with different areas of expertise, so which ones should you approach?

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at what resources are available. You may need only a few of them, or you require assistance from them all. Your situation is just like you — unique.

Divorce Attorney

Finding the right divorce attorney is one of the most important choices you’ll need to make. Before beginning your search, identify your situation and needs. Are you a stay-at-home mom (aka Chief Domestic Officer) who has been out of the workforce for years? Are you concerned that your husband might be hiding assets? Is domestic violence involved? Look for someone whose case history includes clients with similar issues.

Financial Advisor

Next in order of importance is a financial specialist. You may want to specifically look for a certified divorce financial advisor (CDFA). Even spouses who have been married for only a short time and have comparable incomes are going to have shared assets and financial questions. The advantage of working with a CDFA is that they help you take a long-range view of your finances during the divorce and after, so you know what to ask for during negotiations.

Depending on your situation, you may also need:


A good individual therapist or counselor with experience helping clients through divorce can sustain you emotionally as your marriage ends and a new future begins. As a compassionate but neutral third party, they can listen as you express your anger, fears, and frustrations in a confidential setting, and they can help you reach a state where you can make better decisions.

If you have children, they could also benefit from talking to a therapist. Even the most amicable divorces can leave children feeling anxious, depressed, and even guilty. Giving them a safe outlet to vent their feelings will be highly beneficial.

Divorce Coach

If you and your spouse choose the collaborative route, divorce coaches are essential. Like a therapist, your coach helps you work through your feelings and manage the emotional aspects of the divorce. If you have children, a divorce coach will assist you in developing a parenting plan and effective co-parenting skills. They are also present during group meetings with your spouse and their coach, and they will assist you during the negotiation process, which therapists do not.

Real Estate Professional

If you and your spouse decide to sell your marital home, or you need to lease or buy a new one, then a good real estate agent is an asset to your divorce team. Look for someone who is familiar with the area where you want to live, understands the importance of the schools and school districts, can estimate commute times for you, and is willing to accommodate their schedule to meet yours.

Support Groups

Support groups take a variety of forms. Friends, family, and women’s groups can provide emotional support when we need it. Business groups can point us in the direction of financial independence, and churches or other religious institutions can deliver spiritual consolation. Recommended support groups will vary according to your personal needs.

Contact Our Dallas Divorce Law Firm to Learn More

You may not need all of these professionals on your divorce team, but it’s always good to know what your options are. At Alexandra Geczi, PLLC, we welcome the opportunity to help you put together the divorce team that will get you where you need to go. We care about your well-being and your future, and we look forward to helping you with both.

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