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Separating Fact From Fiction: 6 Common Misconceptions About Divorce

It seems that most people always have advice for others regarding situations they’ve never been in themselves, and divorce is no exception. If you’re thinking about divorce, or you’re already in the middle of one, then you have probably read and heard things that make you worry.

What many fail to realize is that a lot of the advice out there on divorce is full of fallacies. At Alexandra Geczi, PLLC, a Dallas family law firm dedicated to supporting women throughout the divorce process, we want to clear the air. Read on to learn more about six of the most common misconceptions surrounding divorce.

1. You Should Have Fought Harder for Your Marriage

People on the outside can always say that your problems were fixable or that you didn’t try hard enough to save your relationship. Only you can judge whether you tried as hard as you could, or if you even wanted to make the decision to try at all. No one else except you and your ex knows the intimate details of why your marriage didn’t work out.

2. It’s Too Hard to Start Over

For stay-at-home parents, the word divorce can create a lot of fear. Going from one set of responsibilities to another can be daunting, especially if you now have to do everything alone. Rather than letting this be a reason to stay together, take some time to assess your relationship and think about how a divorce could benefit you in the long run. Fear of the future is no reason to stay in a bad relationship.

3. Divorce Is Just Like a Breakup

This misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. Even in marriages where there are no children and all bank accounts are separate, there’s still an emotional and mental separation that accompanies the physical one. Marriage is a huge commitment and deciding to end it isn’t something trivial.

4. Getting a Divorce Is Quick and Easy

In a perfect world, getting a divorce would be a cake walk. Yet with each person’s requests for property, child custody schedules, and assets to divide, the process can take a long time. Remember that the more complex a divorce is, the more expensive it will also ultimately be.

5. You’ll Be Ready to Date Again After a Divorce

It takes time after a divorce to gain stability in your life and figure out how you feel about relationships. Particularly for stay-at-home parents, the idea of introducing your children to a new partner might seem inappropriate for a while, or you might just be more focused on raising your children than your own dating life.

6. You Should Be Pitied for Getting a Divorce

While it’s true that some people do not want to get divorced and their partner insists upon it, many times getting a divorce can be a blessing. We hope that the people in your life ask how you’re doing instead of offering their condolences, because we know many of our clients are happier with the results of their divorce than many would think.

If you’re thinking about getting a divorce and you’re not sure where to start, Alexandra Geczi, PLLC can help answer your questions. Our team can walk you through the divorce process and give you all the information you need make an educated decision. Contact our family law firm in Dallas today to get started with a free case evaluation!

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