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Getting divorced is oftentimes associated with a great many negatives, including debilitating stress, fatigue, uncertainty, and intense contention. And certainly, there are occasions where those without a strong support system or who lack the appropriate legal guidance will fall prey to these stereotypes. Some people—far too many—even choose to stay in a bad relationship simply for fear of the impact a divorce will have on their lives or the misconception that it will just be too hard. However, when considering the prospect of divorce, it is essential that you consider these two key points:

The toxic impact which staying in a bad relationship will have on your health and happiness, as well as the health and happiness of your children or other loved ones.
The fact that, with the appropriate tools and resources at your disposal, a less-stress divorce is not just a possibility, but a probability.
Based on what you’ve seen in media portrayals of divorce, on what you’ve seen from the experiences of your friends and family who had bad divorces, and perhaps even based on your own personal past experiences with divorce, it is easy to convince yourself that it will just be easier to stay in such a negative relationship—even as it sucks the energy and fulfillment from your life on a daily basis.

Thus, we’re here to dispel your preconceived notions of divorce, educate you on what it actually involves, and enlighten you to the amazing possibilities that await your life on the other side of a divorce. Alexandra Geczi Family Law is dedicated to helping you accomplish a less-stress divorce and set you on the path to achieving a brighter future. Here’s how:

A Plan Is Essential

Even a seemingly straightforward divorce is multifaceted, especially if there are children involved. Some people have legal representation that only addresses the nuts and bolts of the divorce itself, while all other aspects of finances or mental health are left untouched. This can leave you feeling like the weight of every decision is on your shoulders, and only contributes to your stress level.

Instead, embarking upon a less-stress divorce with our team means sitting down for a strategy session within day of retaining our services to create a comprehensive plan based on your unique needs, allowing you to dive into your divorce feeling empowered and prepared for what’s to come . Your dedicated team will address every part of your life that’s affected by a divorce and create a clear plan of action. Whether you need education about how to manage household finances post divorce or help with moving to a new house, our team can help.

Support At Every Step

If you truly want a less stressful divorce, you can’t do it alone, and you cannot do it by only focusing on procedural legal elements—which is why we take a holistic approach to your divorce. When a question comes up and you need to know how to proceed, it can be frustrating to feel like you’re just another client. By working with us, your dedicated legal team will address any concern you have, including connecting you with trusted experts in other fields that will guide and counsel you across the full spectrum of need based on your unique circumstances. Ultimately, you need to know that you have an abundance of tools and resources all within your reach, whether that means connecting you with a child therapist to help your kids, financial advisor to help with your rapidly changing monetary situation, insurance agents to update various key policies, or even movers to help you move into your new apartment.

Our goal is to be an all-encompassing support system during your divorce, because a successful divorce experience can dramatically shape your view of your new life. Getting out of an unhealthy relationship and working toward being your best self will guarantee a brighter future than staying sedentary in a situation you don’t want. We want our clients to be empowered following your divorce and feeling full of potential for the life to come.

If you want to explore the possibility of a divorce but are unsure because of negative stories you’ve heard from friends or family, contact Alexandra Geczi Family Law today. You’ll see that we make our client’s success a priority, and aim to make the divorce process as stress free as possible.

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