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The Dangers of a DIY Divorce

Maybe you’ve been thinking about handling your own divorce. While this is certainly your right, is it the wisest course of action for such an important and life-changing process?

These days, people are attempting to do things themselves that they used to leave to the professionals. Trying to save money and resources, they download information and kits off the Internet and try to handle these tasks themselves. While the DIY approach may work for things — like putting together furniture or trying out a new recipe — a DIY divorce can cost you more in the long run. Here’s how, and why working with an experienced family law attorney like a team member from Alexandra Geczi, PLLC is always the best course of action.

Your Family Situation Is Unique

A downloaded kit is going to be 100% boilerplate. They may list the Texas family law rules, but no kit can explain how these laws apply to you, your spouse, and your children in particular. An attorney can address your family’s unique challenges and help you resolve them with your best interests in mind — something no downloaded resource can ever do.

Family Law Can Be Complicated

People thinking about doing their own divorce know that Texas has its own courts that deal with family law matters, but their knowledge usually ends there. Calculating spousal and child support, dividing the marital estate equitably, and other divorce-related matters are not straightforward. Making sure you get your fair share of the house or a retirement account can be particularly tricky, and you risk losing a lot of money if not done correctly. If you make a mistake, or even miss a filing deadline, it can delay or prejudice your case, costing you more money.

A Texas family law attorney like Alexandra Geczi has dealt with several cases like yours, and they will ensure that your petition and other paperwork are legally accurate and filed on time.

You May Not Be Aware of All Your Options

When you don’t understand family laws in the state, it’s hard to understand what all your options are, and no DIY divorce kit will be able to explain them to you. Family law attorneys have the training and experience to see these options and have a good sense of what potential outcomes may be. They can also advise you on any potential roadblocks that could slow down or derail the divorce proceedings.

You Might Accept Unfavorable Settlement Terms

It is difficult for anyone without family law training to identify realistic divorce settlement terms for your individual situation. Most people don’t know their rights in a divorce, and some spouses even rely on the other spouse to tell them what is fair or what they should agree to!

As a result, you risk getting less than you may be entitled to. An attorney can provide you with guidance and advice on any settlement offers, which increases the chances of a quick resolution outside of court, thereby saving you both time and money. Attorneys also have a working relationship with judges, fellow attorneys, and the court staff that could be beneficial for you.

It Can Be Difficult to Think Objectively

A family law attorney can do more than handle the divorce paperwork correctly and explain the law to you. Going through a divorce is emotionally challenging, requiring life-changing decisions to be made at a time when it’s hard to think clearly. Your attorney can advise you on the potential consequences of all available choices and support you throughout the process, making you feel as if you have a wise ally.

While a DIY divorce may seem like an easy and inexpensive option, the reality is that it can create more problems than solutions. It is in the best interests of everyone involved that all divorce paperwork and settlement negotiations be handled by experienced legal counsel.

If you think you can’t afford a family law attorney, then you might be surprised. At Alexandra Geczi, PLLC, we offer a complimentary case evaluation. We welcome the opportunity to provide you with the guidance and support you need to get through the divorce and begin the next stage of your life. Contact a member of our team today to get started!

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